• Out of stock
    Capsicum annuum So excited to have this seed available to you and I recommend you seed save. A poblano type chilli on a very tall plant will maybe need some staking. Producing wide green fruit tapering gently to soft point. Known as Ancho's in Mexico they are very mild with smells of raisins and smoke when dried. Add an exquisite richness to any dish.
  • Phaseolus vulgaris This lovely ‘politically incorrect’ bean derives its name for its ease of growing and one of the first stringless beans making preparation much easier…for the housewife nearly 200yrs ago! Tender, productive fleshy broad green climber up to 2 metres. Rare now and needing reviving as its flavour compares well with today's good green bean.
  • Phaseolus vulgaris Once the most popular bean in the south of America this bean has been first mentioned in 1864 as Texas Pole. A green climber it can grow very tall producing pods up to 20cm long. Fleshy, curved and broad-oval pods with seeds filling to the tip and edge but not crowded. Very reliable, flavoursome, abundant and early maturing. Can be picked fresh or allow pods to dry and save beans.
  • Lactuca sativa ​Soft golden side picking lettuce. Gift from Wa and amazing best kept secret.... until now.
  • Sweet and succulent Pea Cascadia, climbing snowpea beautifully large Yakumo, delicious climbing Mammoth Melting Pea and the classic fragrant Broadbean Aquadulce. Save nearly a whole packet of seed by buying these now!
  • DILL

    Anethum graveolens Best grown as annual as it will not survive the winter in Victoria. Tall wispy plant up to 75cm tall harvest around 8 weeks after sowing. Eat leaves, then flowers, then seeds. Plant direct .5cm deep close together in warm soil between 10-20c Spring-Autumn. Dill doesn't enjoy transplanting. Suggest successive plantings every 3 weeks.

    Cucurbita pepo I am often approached by my older customers seeking what they like to call a true squash. And this is the closest I can give them. Lovely flavour especially when roasted. To get the ‘spaghetti’ affect it needs baking. We cut in half, scoop out seeds, fill with eggs, cream, cheese and seasoning and bake first 20mins covered, last 10mins uncovered to crisp the top. Seriously yum.
  • Barbarea verna ​Slightly hotter than watercress but a very similar flavour. Does not need water to grow. Often grown for it’s affective deterrent of white butterfly larvae which tend to eat the leaves even though it means their demise. Recommend planting throughout the garden when planting brassicas.
  • Raphanus sativus This is a fun pack of purples, reds, white daikon's, black Spanish, watermelons and others. They look beautiful as they develop and the kids and big kids think they’re great to eat.
  • Allium fistulosum Originating in France and Italy this sweet almost shallot style onion is planted in late winter/early spring for harvesting mid/late summer. For best results maintain water well and grow like most onions.
  • Cucumis sativus ​Lebanese style but thinner & with thinner skin yet again. Recommend grow on trellis for space saving. Excellent flavour & texture.
  • Brassica oleracea Most beautiful colour contrasting with the green of leaves making it quite ornamental as growing. And truly delicious too. This one does not need lots of cheese sauce just a little steaming or even raw as its so tender.
  • Vicia faba

    A short broad bean plant with pods up to 30cm. Tripoli is grown for its delicate beans which grow 6-7 per pod. Great yields for this small plant which if protected from strong winds doesn’t need staking quite so dramatically. Very rare at present and in need of saving.

  • Solanum ​lycopersicum L. This large tomato was first presented to us by John Grasso at one of our markets. He brought it with both hands saying 'they get bigger than this'. What I didn't realise was how sweet they were. Plant is tall indeterminate type and needs to be staked well especially considering the weight of the fruit!
  • Cucurbita pepo Delightful little fruits on compact plants these ‘golden’ squashes are best eaten young when they remain very tender, needing very little cooking. Great for small meals when they can be picked carefully as needed.
  • Beta vulgaris The mix of colours make this chard a delight to grow and the kids will be encouraged to eat it. Sweet tender flavours the young leaves can be eaten in salads.
  • Brassica oleracea ​Compact deep red cabbage bred for the cooler areas of America. Proving popular as sweet tender leaves good raw or steamed. One of the few open pollinated varieties so seed saving is recommended. Colours best if it is planted in Autumn or early Spring.
  • Phaseolus vulgaris ​Flat 15cm long green ‘roma’ style beans falling and nearly touching the ground on good strong dwarf plants. Very tender like most Roma beans with excellent flavour. Also versatile as can be used either fresh or dried in soups or casseroles.
  • Coriandrum sativum Cilantro or Chinese parsley is an annual herb native to Europe, Africa to Asia. Soft plant growing 50cm tall with fern like leaves. All parts of plant are edible and unique with pungent yet delicate flavour. Best sown direct and rarely transplant to avoid or slow down bolting.
  • Cucurbita pepo Bright yellow cylindrical fruit makes this zucchini harder to camouflage behind the greenery. Looks beautiful as it develops and our experience it that it seems a little more tender than the darker zucchinis.
  • Solanum ​lycopersicum L. ​Large indeterminate plant that produces bunches of 20-40 red small fruit 30-35mm. Flavour is mild and sweet and these a great to pick in bunches and roast together with herbs or add whole to salads. Compliments 'Yellow Currant' for a great salad mix.
  • Cucurbita pepo This is a remarkable pumpkin? squash? whatever you'd like to call it. Large vine producing round green golden stripey fruit that ripens like most pumpkins, leaving them to mature on vine. Finally once opened there's the gift of sweet golden squash like flesh (great for soups) and delicious fresh pepita's which are so good for you. Plant needs lots of room and sun to prosper.
  • Pisum sativum Extreme climber up to 2.5 metres! Heavy yields of large podding pods with sweet non starchy peas inside. Old British heirloom from 1885.
  • Geranium robertianum Of the Geranium family feathery leaves with pretty pink flowers this remarkable little annual will spread through your garden. And let it. "Herb Robert is a supreme, therapeutic herb. This herb’s action is one of the most outstanding herbs that we can use regularly, as an enhancer of the immune system. Research has revealed herb Robert is a source of germanium, a valuable element to the body, as it has the ability to make oxygen available to the cells. More oxygen, at cell level, means the body has the opportunity to fight disease by its own powers, and healing can take place quickly. Lack of oxygen, available to the cells, can be caused by free radicals and a toxic state around the cells: meaning the cells cannot get the required oxygen, or the nutrients, to regenerate." Quote Herbs are Special. Refer to Isabell Shiphard for more.
  • Solanum lycopersicum L. An old Australian heirloom and favourite variety that produces lots of large, round red fruit and thrives in Victoria's summers though needs protection from the extreme days as all tomatoes do. Tall vigorous plant that will need staking to support abundant cropping.
  • Cucurbita maxima ‘Just Another Pumpkin’! That’s the story of it’s name but the flavour is excellent and a very popular and reliable pumpkin used all over the world.
  • Allium fistulosum A vigorous and hardy winter variety, this bunching onion has a 35cm long white stalk with 30cm long green leaves and all parts are edible. Excellent mild flavour. Frost tolerant.
  • Capsicum annum This is as diverse a range of chilli's as we can get and gives you a chance to try many and decide what you like. There's Cayenne, Tree Chilli, Thai Hot, Ancho to name a few. Some of these are quite rare and we know you'll enjoy and have fun with these.
  • Brassica oleracea This broccoli has a complex and beautiful fractal pattern sequence with bright lime green colour and completely unique shape. The flavour is fantastic with depth and superior texture. Very ornamental, lovely to watch it grow.
  • Beta vulgaris Deep burgundy beets with sweet good flavour. Often produced for the canning industry as the shape is perfect for slicing.
  • Pisum sativum Climber up to 1.5 metres with beautiful purple/pink flowers which turn into stunning purple pods. Eat when young to maximise the sweetness.
  • Lycopersicum esculentum This beautiful cherry size tomato was voted top in taste tests in the Melbourne International Flower and Garden Show in 2015. It has good disease resistance, producing trusses of classic red tomatoes with a sweet and juicy flavour. We love this one! Mulch and stake well. 60 seeds.  
