• Capsicum annuum Classic sweet bell peppers maturing green to red. Most popular, heavy producer with thick sweet flesh.
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    Capsicum annuum Yet another choice in the lovely bell peppers this one maturing green to gold and adds another lovely sweet fruit to the collection.
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    Capsicum annuum ​ Long tapering fruit 20cm long goes from a pale translucent green to orange to red while still suspended from the vine. Gets sweeter the longer left. No hint of heat and lovely flavour.
  • Daucus carota Coreless tender flesh. Slender and growing only to small to medium so ideal for eating raw or serving on platters.
  • Daucus carota ​Good reliable carrot with great sweet flavour. Short and stocky.
  • Daucus carota ​Suited to the warmer months but adaptable so plant all year round. Long strong roots that in the right environment will be ready in 12-18 weeks.
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    Daucus carota Lovely violet red skin with yellow orange interior. Very sweet with slight spicy edge. Origins from America’s organic movement. Very popular eaten raw or slightly steamed. Over cooking looses flavour, colour and goodness of most carrots.
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    Daucus carota Golden yellow colour with an even sweeter flavour than most orange carrots. Origins from the Middle East and first recorded around the 14th Century. Moist and crunchy best eaten raw or slightly steamed and will retain its colour.

  • Daucus carota A colourful mix of Dragon, Solar and Lunar blended to germinate at the same time giving you a lovely favoured variety. As the leaves to have slightly different colours they look great as they grow. Kids love them.
  • Daucus carota ​15cm or longer with red-orange colour, crisp sweet flavour and stores well. Known as a great juicing carrot and suggested tolerant of warm summers.
  • Daucus carota Short thick with good strong colour, golden orange, and flavour, crisp and sweet. Suitable with gardeners with shallow soil. Chantenay is easy to grow.
  • Daucus carota ​A good low maintenance carrot for those with little time and shallow soil. Picked and eaten whole they make up in flavour what you miss out on in size. Create shallow furrow. Thinly spread seed, water and thin out sparingly. These little carrots will make their own room.
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    Brassica oleracea ​ A rare combination of cauliflower colours that will all taste delicious yet with subtle differences.
  • Brassica oleracea Heirloom variety with reasonably large heads and early harvest 60-70 days. Good crisp texture and considered ‘self blanching’. As with most cauli’s cover forming head ‘enveloping’ with own leaves protecting from sun or frost till head fully formed.
  • Brassica oleracea Most beautiful colour contrasting with the green of leaves making it quite ornamental as growing. And truly delicious too. This one does not need lots of cheese sauce just a little steaming or even raw as its so tender.
  • Brassica oleracea ​Delicious Italian heirloom with bright apple green heads that are sweet enough to eat raw. Vigorous attractive plant.
  • Apium graveolens Also called turnip-rooted celery. Grown for its large bulbous root which has a delicious creamy celery flavour. Often found growing wild in parts of Europe and recognizable by its celery stalks. It is an excellent addition to soups, salads or German style dishes.
  • Apium graveolens var. dulce Soft pink base with slight hue up the stem. Lovely flavour with all the crispness and nutrition of all celery plants. Looks great in the garden especially grown with the pale golden ‘self blanching’.
  • Apium graveolens var. dulce Tender long green classic celery that can be blanched or side picked as needed. Good flavour with no bitterness
  • Capsicum annuum Mild to medium-hot chilli from New Mexico 14cm in length, 5cm wide tapering to a point and is green turning red. Anaheim is eaten fresh or dried for later use and is also considered excellent for stuffing. One of the milder chilli's and with great flavour.
  • Capsicum annuum Tall plant to 1.5mt producing long slender tapered fruit to 15cm and more. Mild to hot though not so much it will knock your socks off. Lots of flavour and used mostly as 'cayenne powder'. So much nicer used fresh and highly recommended.
  • Capsicum annuum A sun loving plant 1 metre high producing fruit 10cm long x 1.5 wide tapering to soft point. Jalapeno's are traditionally used when bright green but you can leave them on the plant all the way from black to red. Considered very mild and great for stuffing and known for their lovely flavour.
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    Capsicum annuum So excited to have this seed available to you and I recommend you seed save. A poblano type chilli on a very tall plant will maybe need some staking. Producing wide green fruit tapering gently to soft point. Known as Ancho's in Mexico they are very mild with smells of raisins and smoke when dried. Add an exquisite richness to any dish.
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    Capsicum annuum An 'Ancho' or wide chilli on a 70cm bush enjoying full sun. The fruit is up to 15cm long x7cm wide matures from green, red and then almost black. Used in Mexican mole (spelt molay) sauces after roasting or dried and powdered. Lovely smoky smell and flavour.

  • Capsicum annuum Long slender fruit turning green to red and used mostly for its flavour which is moderately hot and fruity. Can be used fresh but traditionally used dried then added to a world of dishes from Italian pizza to Asian stir fries. Added to hot and hardy chilli powders.
  • Capsicum annum This is as diverse a range of chilli's as we can get and gives you a chance to try many and decide what you like. There's Cayenne, Tree Chilli, Thai Hot, Ancho to name a few. Some of these are quite rare and we know you'll enjoy and have fun with these.
  • Capsicum annuum Compact plant even suitable for a largish pot with beautiful upright green to red fruit reaching upward on top of plant, so quite unusual and ornamental. And of course delicious. Found right through Asia and introduced by the Spanish conquistadors. Considered very hot yet used in most of the Thai dishes we eat. Recommended.
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    Zea mays The popping corn is a round or small oval cob that can be eaten very small as baby corn or wait till maturity then allow to dry before removing kernels from cob for popping. Kernels are a pale yellow and because they are so fresh better success and taste can be guaranteed unlike the old kernels bought in supermarkets. Normal growing requirements as for all corn.

  • Zea Mays ​ Two light yellow kernelled medium sized cobs per 2mt plant. Heavy foliage makes a good cover crop. One of the few sweet open pollinated corns. Lovely flavour and needs saving.

  • Zea Mays A fine yellow sweet corn on 1.5 metre stalks this old heirloom has 2 or more cobs per plant. Excellent rich flavour another non hybrid we need to save.
  • Zea mays ​This corn is blue to the eye and truly remarkable to grow. This is a rare seed. Blue Hopi corn has so much anthocyanins in it that some say that it is has more antioxidant potential than blueberries. Limited quantities. Considered a staple corn of the Hopi people, this corn can be eaten as a sweet corn when young, or allowed to dry it can be used to make flour. Hopi Blue has a higher protein content than a dent corn and makes wonderful tortillas. The 7 inch, dried blue ears also make great autumn decorations. Plants are 2 metres tall.
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    Zea Mays This multicoloured corn is beautiful to look at and lovely steamed.  Open pollinated ancient, multi coloured actual sweet corn growing 2 metres & more. Has good sugar levels and ready to eat in 90 days after planting. Reportedly found by archaeologists in the Anasazi ruins. Plant as all corn  - full sun, rich organic soil and plenty of water.
