Vicia faba Long plants up to 120cm Aquadulce are the most common and most reliable to grow for those who are wanting a good tasty feed of broad beans. Pods are around 15cm with around 5 seeds per pod. Flowers are white with purple touches. Broad beans can be planted Autumn and Winter for a Spring crop although the flowers can be affected by frosts.
Vicia faba Gift from an Italian gentleman of these wonderful broad beans. Classic black white flowers on tall plant with huge amounts of pods. Seems to set very well. As usual stake and rope around plants early for wind protection later. Plant direct 15cm apart Autumn-Spring for Summer harvest. Consider a little lime and good compost in soil and mulch well. The secret of broad beans is don't overwater before germination or they'll drown. Once germinated not a problem.
Out of stockSolanum melongena Beautiful Italian variety with light purple and white fruit, mild flavour, little bitterness and creamy texture. Its large round 13cm shape makes it good for stuffing and baking.