• Solanum melongena Tall to 1 metre plant with large leaves produces beautiful pink flowers then large jet black fruit. Needs a long season so plant in hothouse or heat mat in very early spring and plant out when soil is warm. Very tender and worth the 90 days till fruit is ready to pick.
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    Solanum melongena Italian heirloom with long slender fruit up to 30cm sweet with little bitterness and firm mild flesh. Good strong yields especially if planted in warm sheltered position. Steams well.
  • Solanum melongena Lots of varieties including Rosa Bianca, Early Long Pod, White, Red, Black Beauty. Great mix with the usual beautiful pink flowers. Dramatic display.​
  • Solanum melongena We wanted eggplants that can only be bought at Asian grocery shops and we've found it. Really sweet slender long dark fruit. Plant Spring in trays transplant in warm protected area full sun ready for purple flowers in late summer autumn fruit.
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    Solanum melongena Beautiful Italian variety with light purple and white fruit, mild flavour, little bitterness and creamy texture. Its large round 13cm shape makes it good for stuffing and baking.
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    Solanum melongena Long slightly curved 20cm violet & white striped fruit with firm sweet flesh & soft tender skin. Of Greek heritage, this is a favourite. Plant seeds in trays in warm soil in Spring onwards. Transplant 40cm apart in sunny protected position. Up to a 1 metre plant which will produce flowers in Spring then the fruit ripens late in Summer.
  • Foeniculum vulgare dulce ​Italian variety with feathery green leaves and white full delicious bulbs. Sweet with anise flavour can be eaten raw or baked.
  • Allium tuberosum Perennial herb with garlic flavour. Use finely chopped raw or cooked to enhance a wide range of dishes.
  • Lagenaria siceraria ​​You’ll note by the unusual seed that this is not of the pumpkin or squash family and should be eaten when young like a zucchini. And it’s delicious by all the taste tests. Creamy with great texture. Growing conditions are much like the ‘squash’ Tromboccini and again watching these vigorous plants grow is a delight. Highly recommended and rare.
  • Geranium robertianum Of the Geranium family feathery leaves with pretty pink flowers this remarkable little annual will spread through your garden. And let it. "Herb Robert is a supreme, therapeutic herb. This herb’s action is one of the most outstanding herbs that we can use regularly, as an enhancer of the immune system. Research has revealed herb Robert is a source of germanium, a valuable element to the body, as it has the ability to make oxygen available to the cells. More oxygen, at cell level, means the body has the opportunity to fight disease by its own powers, and healing can take place quickly. Lack of oxygen, available to the cells, can be caused by free radicals and a toxic state around the cells: meaning the cells cannot get the required oxygen, or the nutrients, to regenerate." Quote Herbs are Special. Refer to Isabell Shiphard for more.
  • Brassica oleracea Dramatic serrated green leaves with purple edges this almost ornamental kale is soft and tender and can be eaten raw or cooked. Tolerant of heat and cold try using smaller leaves in salads also. Quite hardy so grow all season but mid summer. Plant direct or trays.
  • Brassica oleracea ​Tight curled pale green leaves very tender and easy to grow throughout the year. When picked young can be used raw in salads or steamed lightly. Side pick when mature enough.
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    Brassica oleracea Also known as 'Two Peters' this is the softest kale with long green serrated leaves that are side picked and steamed or used fresh while leaves are small. Loves the cooler months this tasty Russian variety is great in smoothies. Plant direct or in trays Autumn to late Spring.
  • Brassica oleracea Dark grey green long ‘dinosaur’ like leaves on tall plant that can be side picked for up to 18months before plant goes to seed. Considered a super food. Great value in anyone’s garden due to abundance of food and nutrition value of plant. Plant Autumn to Spring direct or trays.
  • Barbarea verna ​Slightly hotter than watercress but a very similar flavour. Does not need water to grow. Often grown for it’s affective deterrent of white butterfly larvae which tend to eat the leaves even though it means their demise. Recommend planting throughout the garden when planting brassicas.
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    Elettaria cardamomum ​Lush edible & ornamental foliage ‘cardamom’ flavour in leaves. Add to currys as whole leaf or use for wrapping ingredients for barbecue. Doesn’t produce seed. Enhances all Asian curries.
  • Allium ampeloprasum var. porrum An old heirloom known in American seed catalogues since 1870. Also known as Giant Musselburgh. White long thick stems with creamy heart. Will blanch by hilling up as extends. Plant Autumn-Spring direct or trays & plant out 10cm apart in well composted soil full sun. Mulch well. Harvest as spring onions or strong leeks.
  • Allium ampeloprasum Classic large heirloom leek straight, thick flavoursome stems growing slowly through Autumn sweetening in Winter.
  • Allium ampeloprasum Big fat sweet leeks with good reliability. Like all leeks gather the mulch up the sides to increase the white of trunk.
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    Allium ampeloprasum ​ Bulgarian leek slender and flavoursome that grows quickly & can be used small as onion or 45cm as leek.

  • Melissa officinalis Growing up to 150cm tall the leaves have a gentle lemon scent with small white flowers in summer. In traditional Austrian medicine used for gastrointestinal disorders and calms the nervous system. Lemon balm essential oil is very popular in aromatherapy. Great bee attractant.
  • Lactuca sativa The most delicate of lettuces which can be side picking or left to form a soft heart. Good sweet lettuce or very popular in all seasons. Does better in semi shade in summer.
  • Latuca sativa Can be used full size or side picked this delicate sweet lettuce has lovely soft leaves with gentle ruffles. Most prized in Europe where a lot of our varieties were bred.
  • Latuca sativa ​Romaine cos type which has a semi heart and very rare. Side pick sweet tender leaves or pick as whole.
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    Lactuca sativa ​Still lovely and soft this side picking lettuce goes dark red yet remains sweet.
  • Lactuca sativa Seeing this is believing it. Lovely soft green cos with speckles of red yet still very tender. Doesn’t heart so much and great for side picking especially mixed with others for great interest.
  • Latuca sativa ​Tight frilly leaves that can be side picked or picked whole. Very hardy and if let will self seed through garden easily. Lovely & tender and great in salads.
  • Latuca sativa ​Tight frilly leaves that can be side picked or picked whole. Very hardy and if let will self seed through garden easily. Lovely & tender and great in salads.
  • Latuca sativa Definitely a side picking lettuce with oak like serrated edges on deep green leaves. All the oakleaf lettuce do well in summer and are heat tolerant.
  • Latuca sativa Small cos with soft heart. Mostly eaten whole or lightly steamed. Very versatile.
  • Lactuca sativa ​Lots of varieties including Deepest Red, Cos, Oakleaf, Green Frill, Freckles to name a few. It’s a great and delightful surprise and give the grower lots of salad mix and a chance to find a favourite.
  • Lactuca sativa Soft long upright leaves making this lettuce a side picking or let heart and pick whole. Tender sweet flavour and great for Caesar Salads.
  • Lactuca sativa Easy to grow hardy variety with small soft heads which are crisp and tender. Lovely flavour and one of the few we sell that are not side picking. Just enough for a salad picked whole.
  • Lactuca sativa A side picking lettuce with oak like serrated edges that remain tender and sweet even in summer. Very heat tolerant compared to many varieties so highly recommended.
  • Lactuca sativa ​Soft golden side picking lettuce. Gift from Wa and amazing best kept secret.... until now.

    Levistium officinale Tall perennial cultivated in Medieval times for culinary & medicinal. Dark green leaves that look & tastes like celery only with a unique flavour of its own.

    Brassica rapa ​One of the Japanese greens Mibuna has a light mustard flavour and is excellent in a salad or side dish. Can be side picked or picked whole. Cold resistant so plant early Autumn to early Summer.
  • Claytonis perfoliata ​Delicate tasty cold hardy salad green producing large quantities of 3cm heart shaped leaves. Grows best in winter. High in nutrients being of the purslane family. Plant direct or in trays. Allow to self seed through garden.
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    Pycnanthemum virginianum ​ Herbaceous plant with strong spearmint smell and flavour when leaves are brushed against or crushed. Great in drinks or used moderately as flavouring in salads or coleslaws.
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    Mirabilis jalapa Also known as 4 o’clocks and Marvel of Peru. Originally from South America Mirabella has naturalised all over the world. After going dormant in winter expect new growth from deep large established tubers in early spring. Then a delightful display of beautiful variegated flowers spring to through to summer. Needing little attention and being drought hardy you tend to forget they’re there till next spring. It’s a great surprise. Plant by seed in early spring germinating at 13-18C or by division of tubers in spring. Grows 1 metre high by 1 metre wide and is a hardy perennial. Can make a good container plant with enough care. Save seeds in summer which are dark 5m ovals with pointy ends which are easy to see and pick and have replaced the flowers. Keep in open paper bags in cool dry space till all moisture has been released.

    Brassica rapa One of the Japanese green this light salad leaf is tender with just a hint of mustard making it delightful eaten fresh. Cold resistant so plant early Autumn to early Summer in trays or direct.
  • Brassica juncea Dramatic 2 metre plant with large purple green leaves producing yellow bee attracting flowers. A very hot mustard unless leaves are eaten young or steamed. Looks great.
  • Brassica juncea ​Lime green serrated leaf with hint of mustard perfect for baby leaf and salad mixes. Cold resistant and can be grown all year except mid Summer. Plant direct or trays.
  • Brassica juncea ​Remarkable deep ruby fern like leaves with luminescent lime green stems. Looks and tastes amazing and makes a unique salad green with just a hint of mustard. Cold tolerant so plant Autumn to early Summer.
  • Allium fistulosum The stem and greens can grow to 60cm with a red stalk that is 30cm tall. This is a mild ‘spring onion’ type. Plant late summer/autumn for late winter /spring crop. Will become a deeper red with cold.
  • Allium fistulosum A vigorous and hardy winter variety, this bunching onion has a 35cm long white stalk with 30cm long green leaves and all parts are edible. Excellent mild flavour. Frost tolerant.
  • Allium fistulosum Originating in France and Italy this sweet almost shallot style onion is planted in late winter/early spring for harvesting mid/late summer. For best results maintain water well and grow like most onions.
