Mirabilis jalapa
Also known as 4 o’clocks and Marvel of Peru. Originally from South America Mirabella has naturalised all over the world. After going dormant in winter expect new growth from deep large established tubers in early spring. Then a delightful display of beautiful variegated flowers spring to through to summer. Needing little attention and being drought hardy you tend to forget they’re there till next spring. It’s a great surprise.

Plant by seed in early spring germinating at 13-18C or by division of tubers in spring. Grows 1 metre high by 1 metre wide and is a hardy perennial. Can make a good container plant with enough care.

Save seeds in summer which are dark 5m ovals with pointy ends which are easy to see and pick and have replaced the flowers. Keep in open paper bags in cool dry space till all moisture has been released.