• Cucurbita moschata Pear shaped pumpkin with pale orange skin, deep orange flesh and small seed cavity. Up to 3kg it’s an ideal size for family's and cooks up any way perfectly. Really good flavour and known through out the world now by many names. Only a reasonable storer compared to others, meaning it will get through winter but no more.
  • Solanum melongena Tall to 1 metre plant with large leaves produces beautiful pink flowers then large jet black fruit. Needs a long season so plant in hothouse or heat mat in very early spring and plant out when soil is warm. Very tender and worth the 90 days till fruit is ready to pick.
  • Cucumis sativus Compact plant with reliable 10cm Lebanese style fruit very tender and sweet. Needs No staking just mulch well with straw so cucumber doesn’t touch the ground making it vulnerable to rot.
  • Matricaria recutita Daisylike flowers on this erect annual with green feathery leaves, looks great in any cottage garden. Chamomile flowers are used for a medicinal tea known amongst many things as a calmative and soothing on the stomach. Very fine dust like seeds can be broadcast in the garden or carefully planted on seed trays from Sept onwards when soil is warm. Seeds need light to germinate so sow on surface and water well.
  • Petroselinum crispum Native to the Mediterranean & naturalized all over the world. Well known herb to be side picked for garnish in all things European. High antioxidants.
  • Helianthus annuus Tall plant with large dynamic head. One flower each plant. Watch as it follows the sun.
  • Solanum lycopersicum L. Medium size red sweet fruit growing on long trusses from large indeterminate plant. Origins from old greenhouse variety in England so known for growing outside or in hot houses. Has good flavour with strong disease resistance & heavy cropping.
  • Solanum ​lycopersicum L. ​Heirloom, and as the name implies a plum tomato of Amish origins who used it for canning & preserving. Large, block shaped Roma type 4cm wide x 5-10cm long and described as rich, sweet flavour cooked or in salads. Indeterminate plant needing staking.
  • Pisum sativum Large heritage Japanese climbing snow pea with flat pods to 13cm yet still tender and sweet. Remarkable is the purple/pink flowers which make this pea quite ornamental and a show piece in the garden.
  • Brassica oleracea ​Tight curled pale green leaves very tender and easy to grow throughout the year. When picked young can be used raw in salads or steamed lightly. Side pick when mature enough.
  • Allium fistulosum The stem and greens can grow to 60cm with a red stalk that is 30cm tall. This is a mild ‘spring onion’ type. Plant late summer/autumn for late winter /spring crop. Will become a deeper red with cold.
  • Daucus carota Coreless tender flesh. Slender and growing only to small to medium so ideal for eating raw or serving on platters.
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    Capsicum annuum ​ Long tapering fruit 20cm long goes from a pale translucent green to orange to red while still suspended from the vine. Gets sweeter the longer left. No hint of heat and lovely flavour.
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    Phaseolus vulgaris Deep purple pods are oval shape and grow to 15cm on dwarf plants. The purple pods against the luscious green growth make for a beautiful as well as prolific bean plant. Can be eaten raw and when cooked will turn green.
  • Allium tuberosum Perennial herb with garlic flavour. Use finely chopped raw or cooked to enhance a wide range of dishes.
  • Ocimum basilicum Mostly used in Asian dishes and an essential ingredient used fresh or only very slightly braised as cooking destroys its unique taste. More anise than regular basils with deep aromatic flavour.
  • Beta vulgaris Really a chard, but so tender & with green stems as well these leaves are as mild as any spinach. Lasts 18 months before going to seed and as the name suggests excellent repeat picking over a long period.
  • Cucurbita moschate An unusual ‘pumpkin’ in that it’s delicious while still young, picked and eaten like a squash or zucchini. Allowed to mature the skin hardens then Tromboccini should be eaten like a pumpkin. Not as sweet as some it still has great flavour and texture. When baked we added herbs and spices which it absorbed beautifully. Great watching the vines spread either on ground where squashes will ‘curl’ or on fence lines where squashes will hang straight.

  • Allium ampeloprasum Classic large heirloom leek straight, thick flavoursome stems growing slowly through Autumn sweetening in Winter.
  • Latuca sativa ​Tight frilly leaves that can be side picked or picked whole. Very hardy and if let will self seed through garden easily. Lovely & tender and great in salads.
  • Capsicum annuum A sun loving plant 1 metre high producing fruit 10cm long x 1.5 wide tapering to soft point. Jalapeno's are traditionally used when bright green but you can leave them on the plant all the way from black to red. Considered very mild and great for stuffing and known for their lovely flavour.
  • Phaseolus vulgaris Reliable round stringless tender dark green bean up to 15cm long. Tall climber 2 metres and more producing lots of white flowers then the lovely slender beans. Considered the best tasting bean Blue Lake is certainly one of the best producers over a long period of time. Copes well with heat and can be grown right through Spring to the early days of Autumn. Needs staking or a strong trellis.
  • Phaseolus vulgaris ​Produces pink flowers, then deep purple tender oval stringless pods up to 18cm long. Very abundant over a long period. Needs staking or a strong trellis growing an impressive 2 metres or more. Always reliable and worth picking when pods are young. Can be eaten raw and when cooked they will turn green.
  • Artemisia absinthium Tall bush with dusty green feathery leaves wormwood is grown in cottage gardens as a beautiful backdrop to the more colourful flowers. Known as an effective wormer amongst its many medicinal qualities. Often grown just outside the pen so chickens can self medicate. Plant on surface of trays sparingly ( Wormwood needs light to germinate) & water till germination in 2-4 weeks. Transplant 70cm apart.
  • Salvia officinalis Perennial shrub with woody stems, greyish leaves & bee attracting purple blue flowers grown for culinary & medicinal use. Flavour & aroma unique. Enhances meats & vegetable.
  • Ocimum basilicum Compact plant forming almost perfect spherical bush with all the sweet basil flavour in its tiny soft leaves. Can be used much like sweet basil raw or cooked and handles cooler weather better. Perennial used for all things except for pesto. Great on pizza.
  • Solanum lycopersicum L. This plant will grow anywhere there's sunshine and water including large pots and keeps giving sweet currant size fruit all Summer. Eat whole in salads or straight off the bush. Research suggests it was found "growing from the crack in a sidewalk in Indianapolis in the mid 100's". Sprawling determinate plant so stake well and leave lots of room.
  • Solanum lycopersicum L. ​ Russian heirloom with squat large dark fruit. Wonderful rich flavour & highly recommended. Grows on indeterminate plant and needs staking. Thank you Alison for convincing us to try this.
  • Spinacia oleracea ​Old favourite amongst gardeners with excellent flavour and large quantities of leaves that can be picked at any stage making them perfect for micro leaves as well.
  • Pisum sativum Bush variety of large podded flat pea early maturing and sweet delicious pods. With snow peas up to 12cm long on plant 30cm tall this is value for space.
  • Apium graveolens var. dulce Soft pink base with slight hue up the stem. Lovely flavour with all the crispness and nutrition of all celery plants. Looks great in the garden especially grown with the pale golden ‘self blanching’.
  • Phaseolus vulgaris Dwarf plant producing lots of white flowers and round stringless beans over a long period. A nice snap bean needing very little cooking if picked young. Reliable 14cm pods.
