• Cucurbita pepo ​ Classic dark green long cylindrical fruit this has been the most popular of the Zucchini’s. Introduced in the markets from the 1920’s and listed in seed catalogues from 1930 Black Beauty has been around over 80 years.
  • Cucurbita pepo Bright yellow cylindrical fruit makes this zucchini harder to camouflage behind the greenery. Looks beautiful as it develops and our experience it that it seems a little more tender than the darker zucchinis.
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    Calendula officinalis Well known as a medicinal herb. Bee attracting with a beautiful mixture of yellow and gold flowers.
  • Chrysanthemum coranarium Beautiful flower and edible leaves used in tea and Chinese cooking.
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    Mirabilis jalapa Also known as 4 o’clocks and Marvel of Peru. Originally from South America Mirabella has naturalised all over the world. After going dormant in winter expect new growth from deep large established tubers in early spring. Then a delightful display of beautiful variegated flowers spring to through to summer. Needing little attention and being drought hardy you tend to forget they’re there till next spring. It’s a great surprise. Plant by seed in early spring germinating at 13-18C or by division of tubers in spring. Grows 1 metre high by 1 metre wide and is a hardy perennial. Can make a good container plant with enough care. Save seeds in summer which are dark 5m ovals with pointy ends which are easy to see and pick and have replaced the flowers. Keep in open paper bags in cool dry space till all moisture has been released.
  • Helianthus annuus Multi heads on reasonably tall plant. Seeds used for oil or eating. Lovely.
  • Helianthus annuus Tall plant with large dynamic head. One flower each plant. Watch as it follows the sun.
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    Elettaria cardamomum ​Lush edible & ornamental foliage ‘cardamom’ flavour in leaves. Add to currys as whole leaf or use for wrapping ingredients for barbecue. Doesn’t produce seed. Enhances all Asian curries.
  • Ocimum basilicum Compact plant forming almost perfect spherical bush with all the sweet basil flavour in its tiny soft leaves. Can be used much like sweet basil raw or cooked and handles cooler weather better. Perennial used for all things except for pesto. Great on pizza.
  • Ocimum basilicum Origins possibly India now known throughout Europe and Indonesia with a unique slightly anise flavour. Used cooked or raw and well known for main ingredient of Pesto. All basils need heat to flourish so plant seed when soil is at least 24C for germination in trays or direct.
  • Ocimum basilicum Mostly used in Asian dishes and an essential ingredient used fresh or only very slightly braised as cooking destroys its unique taste. More anise than regular basils with deep aromatic flavour.
  • Ocimum basilicum ​Small bush to 40cm with delicate leaves & all the aroma & flavour of sweet basil but can handle less heat so starts earlier in the season and lasts longer.

    Borago officinalis Fresh flowers can be used in drinks and food decoration. It was once used to reduce fever, colds, a decongestant and to restore vitality. It is an excellent bee attractant.

    Nepeta cataria Growing to 100cm the soft green leaves with coarse-toothed edges have a slightly mint smell and is related. The flowers are thick, showy and great bee attractants. Catnip is seriously lovely by cats who rub against it enthusiastically. Has a long history of medicinal uses in the form of tea, juice, tinctures and poultices.

    ​Anthriscus cerefolium Also known as French parsley a delicate fern like annual with mild slightly anise/parsley flavour made well known by the French. Part of the ‘Fine Herbs’ along with Tarragon, Chives and Parsley. Plant Autumn to early Spring in cooler months.
