• Vicia faba Gift from an Italian gentleman of these wonderful broad beans. Classic black white flowers on tall plant with huge amounts of pods. Seems to set very well. As usual stake and rope around plants early for wind protection later. Plant direct 15cm apart Autumn-Spring for Summer harvest. Consider a little lime and good compost in soil and mulch well. The secret of broad beans is don't overwater before germination or they'll drown. Once germinated not a problem.
  • Phaseolus vulgaris Reliable round stringless tender dark green bean up to 15cm long. Tall climber 2 metres and more producing lots of white flowers then the lovely slender beans. Considered the best tasting bean Blue Lake is certainly one of the best producers over a long period of time. Copes well with heat and can be grown right through Spring to the early days of Autumn. Needs staking or a strong trellis.
  • Phaseolus vulgaris Dwarf plant producing lots of white flowers and round stringless beans over a long period. A nice snap bean needing very little cooking if picked young. Reliable 14cm pods.
  • Phaseolus vulgaris ​Produces pink flowers, then deep purple tender oval stringless pods up to 18cm long. Very abundant over a long period. Needs staking or a strong trellis growing an impressive 2 metres or more. Always reliable and worth picking when pods are young. Can be eaten raw and when cooked they will turn green.
  • Out of stock
    Phaseolus vulgaris Deep purple pods are oval shape and grow to 15cm on dwarf plants. The purple pods against the luscious green growth make for a beautiful as well as prolific bean plant. Can be eaten raw and when cooked will turn green.
  • Phaseolus vulgaris ​Vibrant yellow podded dwarf bush bean about 15cm long these wonderful butter beans origins seem to come from South Carolina around the 1950’s. The strain is disease resistant, a vigorous grower with a good strong harvest. Best picked early while quite slender and they’ll be plenty to come. These are fun to seed save from as the bean is deep black.
  • Phaseolus vulgaris ​Flat 15cm long green ‘roma’ style beans falling and nearly touching the ground on good strong dwarf plants. Very tender like most Roma beans with excellent flavour. Also versatile as can be used either fresh or dried in soups or casseroles.
