• Solanum lycopersicum It took us a while to find this lovely fruit coming out of South Australia - and here it is. So sweet with great balance of flavour. And fruiting very early which we need in Victoria’s unpredictable summers. Like all tomatoes plant the seeds in July.
  • Cucurbita moschata Thanks yet again to the French for developing this remarkable deeply loved fruit with pink brown skin and deep orange sweet flesh. An excellent cooking pumpkin and like all of the ‘moschata’ variety lovely flavour. Plant spring then transplant full sun allowing lots of room.
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    Cucurbita maxima French heirloom with unusual ornamental ‘warty’ skin and deep orange flesh. Despite lighter texture has a lovely flavour and used mostly for soups and sauces. Allow lots of drying time to enhance sweetness and deepen texture. Plant in full sun spring.
  • Solanum melongena We wanted eggplants that can only be bought at Asian grocery shops and we've found it. Really sweet slender long dark fruit. Plant Spring in trays transplant in warm protected area full sun ready for purple flowers in late summer autumn fruit.
  • Capsicum pubescens Our Rocoto Chilli plant never stops producing and despite looking exhausted by the end of winter starts greening up and amassing beautiful purple flowers soon as spring starts. Remarkable chilli of good heat and great flavour. Plant spring-summer in trays and transplant in protected area full sun.
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    Apium graveolens var. secalinum Side picking celery more like Italian Parsley in look but definitely celery in flavour. Great if you can’t be bothered with all the fuss of blanching celery plants. Plant all year round in trays and transplant when no frosts.
  • Daucus carota Slender very sweet carrot purple then orange in the core. Grows to 15cms with a lovely texture and flavour. Plant spring to summer in warm soils.
  • Daucus carota One of few truly purple carrots right to core without being a hybrid. Open pollinated so please give seed saving a try. Long and slender sweet and high in antioxidants just that bit more than the usual orange. Like all carrots plant Spring to Summer in warm soils.
  • Vicia faba ​ Under 1 metre & maturing in 70 days this Broadbean will give sweet green pods just under 14cm a little earlier than most. It is great for early spring and late summer-autumn planting with the added benefit of adding nitrogen to the soil. Although shorter, still protect from high winds.
  • Capsicum pubescens Despite mild frosts, the Rocoto doesn’t stop giving and growing in the later months. It originated high in the Andes. A remarkable chilli plant with black seeds and nice heat yet great flavour. Plant in spring-summer in trays and transplant in protected area full sun.
  • Lactuca sativa ​Soft golden side picking lettuce. Gift from Wa and amazing best kept secret.... until now.
  • Latuca sativa Small cos with soft heart. Mostly eaten whole or lightly steamed. Very versatile.
  • Latuca sativa ​Romaine cos type which has a semi heart and very rare. Side pick sweet tender leaves or pick as whole.
  • Allium ampeloprasum Big fat sweet leeks with good reliability. Like all leeks gather the mulch up the sides to increase the white of trunk.
  • Pisum sativum This golden podded pea is lovely. It can be used as a sugar snap or podded pea. It is truly tender with pink flowers and buttercup yellow peas.
  • Cucurbita pepo ​

    A beautiful tasting Zucchini. Ideal for lighter dishes and putting into flans, slices and quiches. One of the most versatile Zucchinis we use.

  • Pisum sativum Climber up to 1.5 metres with beautiful purple/pink flowers which turn into stunning purple pods. Eat when young to maximise the sweetness.
  • Lycopersicum esculentum This beautiful cherry size tomato was voted top in taste tests in the Melbourne International Flower and Garden Show in 2015. It has good disease resistance, producing trusses of classic red tomatoes with a sweet and juicy flavour. We love this one! Mulch and stake well. 60 seeds.  
  • Salvia officinalis Perennial shrub with woody stems, greyish leaves & bee attracting purple blue flowers grown for culinary & medicinal use. Flavour & aroma unique. Enhances meats & vegetable.
  • DILL

    Anethum graveolens Best grown as annual as it will not survive the winter in Victoria. Tall wispy plant up to 75cm tall harvest around 8 weeks after sowing. Eat leaves, then flowers, then seeds. Plant direct .5cm deep close together in warm soil between 10-20c Spring-Autumn. Dill doesn't enjoy transplanting. Suggest successive plantings every 3 weeks.
  • Coriandrum sativum Cilantro or Chinese parsley is an annual herb native to Europe, Africa to Asia. Soft plant growing 50cm tall with fern like leaves. All parts of plant are edible and unique with pungent yet delicate flavour. Best sown direct and rarely transplant to avoid or slow down bolting.
  • Ocimum basilicum Origins possibly India now known throughout Europe and Indonesia with a unique slightly anise flavour. Used cooked or raw and well known for main ingredient of Pesto. All basils need heat to flourish so plant seed when soil is at least 24C for germination in trays or direct.
  • Cucurbita pepo ​ Classic dark green long cylindrical fruit this has been the most popular of the Zucchini’s. Introduced in the markets from the 1920’s and listed in seed catalogues from 1930 Black Beauty has been around over 80 years.
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    Solanum lycopersicum L. ​ ​Round yellow peach coloured round fruit to 5cm with a slight soft fuzzy skin which deters insects. Excellent sweet variety with low acid and a long ripening season. One of our favourites and a must try.
  • Solanum lycopersicum L. An old Australian heirloom and favourite variety that produces lots of large, round red fruit and thrives in Victoria's summers though needs protection from the extreme days as all tomatoes do. Tall vigorous plant that will need staking to support abundant cropping.
  • Solanum lycopersicum L. ​ Large heart shaped fruit with deep fleshy interior. Oxheart is a great old heirloom tomato with few seeds. In parts of Gippsland this variety is a favourite handed down many generations. Described as ‘sweet, rich, complex flavour and very meaty yet still juicy’. Excellent production on a large indeterminate plant needing a lot of staking.
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    Solanum lycopersicum L. Determinate plant with sturdy trunk producing good reliable sweet medium size tomatoes. Still needs some staking and will be one of the first to produce fruit.
  • Solanum ​lycopersicum L. Sweet round medium size red fruit with a dark hue & sweet dark brown red flesh. Medium size plant indeterminate that needs staking. Fruit has been described as 'delicious blend of sugar and acid'.

    Cucurbita pepo I am often approached by my older customers seeking what they like to call a true squash. And this is the closest I can give them. Lovely flavour especially when roasted. To get the ‘spaghetti’ affect it needs baking. We cut in half, scoop out seeds, fill with eggs, cream, cheese and seasoning and bake first 20mins covered, last 10mins uncovered to crisp the top. Seriously yum.
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    Cucurbita pepo Delightful little fruits on compact plants these bright white squashes are best eaten young when they remain very tender, needing very little cooking. Great for small meals when they can be picked carefully as needed.
  • Cucurbita pepo Delightful little fruits on compact plants these pale green squashes are best eaten young when they remain very tender, needing very little cooking. Great for small meals when they can be picked carefully as needed.
  • Cucurbita pepo Delightful little fruits on compact plants these ‘golden’ squashes are best eaten young when they remain very tender, needing very little cooking. Great for small meals when they can be picked carefully as needed.
  • Lagenaria siceraria ​​You’ll note by the unusual seed that this is not of the pumpkin or squash family and should be eaten when young like a zucchini. And it’s delicious by all the taste tests. Creamy with great texture. Growing conditions are much like the ‘squash’ Tromboccini and again watching these vigorous plants grow is a delight. Highly recommended and rare.
  • Spinacia oleracea ​Old favourite amongst gardeners with excellent flavour and large quantities of leaves that can be picked at any stage making them perfect for micro leaves as well.
  • Spinacia oleracea ​Good oval deep green leaves which love the cold and can be grown Autumn through to Spring remaining strong with all the spinach nutrition. Side pick as needed.
  • Barbarea verna ​Slightly hotter than watercress but a very similar flavour. Does not need water to grow. Often grown for it’s affective deterrent of white butterfly larvae which tend to eat the leaves even though it means their demise. Recommend planting throughout the garden when planting brassicas.
  • Nasturtium officinale An aquatic plant with a lovely crisp delicate unique slightly spicy flavour growing well in ponds and water generally. High nutritional content. Plant in Spring to late Autumn direct in pots set in water trays.
  • Brassica juncea ​Remarkable deep ruby fern like leaves with luminescent lime green stems. Looks and tastes amazing and makes a unique salad green with just a hint of mustard. Cold tolerant so plant Autumn to early Summer.

    Brassica rapa ​One of the Japanese greens Mibuna has a light mustard flavour and is excellent in a salad or side dish. Can be side picked or picked whole. Cold resistant so plant early Autumn to early Summer.
  • Valerianella locusta Growing wild in parts of Europe this delicate winter green is also known as Mache and Lamb’s Lettuce. Small leaves can be side picked or picked whole and is particularly loved by the French eaten fresh. High in vitamin C, beta-carotene, B6, iron and potassium.
  • Raphanus sativus Classic good red radish with white flesh forming 3-5cm globes. Fast and easy to grow like all radishes they can be grown all year round but need protection from extreme heat.
  • Raphanus sativus Round 5cm radish with remarkable black skin contrasting with white flesh yet remaining crisp, sweet and a little more pungent in flavour. Eat raw or cooked like all radishes.
  • Cucurbita maxima Perfect for those with little space being a compact plant producing these lovely little ‘one meal’ delights. Recommended halving, stuffing and baking with your favourite filling. Strong orange skin with orange flesh. Good keepers.
  • Matricaria recutita Daisylike flowers on this erect annual with green feathery leaves, looks great in any cottage garden. Chamomile flowers are used for a medicinal tea known amongst many things as a calmative and soothing on the stomach. Very fine dust like seeds can be broadcast in the garden or carefully planted on seed trays from Sept onwards when soil is warm. Seeds need light to germinate so sow on surface and water well.
  • Artemisia absinthium Tall bush with dusty green feathery leaves wormwood is grown in cottage gardens as a beautiful backdrop to the more colourful flowers. Known as an effective wormer amongst its many medicinal qualities. Often grown just outside the pen so chickens can self medicate. Plant on surface of trays sparingly ( Wormwood needs light to germinate) & water till germination in 2-4 weeks. Transplant 70cm apart.
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    Tanacetum vulgare ​Herbaceous perennial flowering plant native to temperate Europe and Asia. Tall 100cm plant with segmented leaves and fernlike appearance. Then a display of golden flower heads. Many good medicinal qualities for external use including skin purifying and joint pain Tansy is not recommended for internal use except by physicians. Great insect repellent and often grown near entrances for this reason.
