• Lactuca sativa Seeing this is believing it. Lovely soft green cos with speckles of red yet still very tender. Doesn’t heart so much and great for side picking especially mixed with others for great interest.
  • Latuca sativa Can be used full size or side picked this delicate sweet lettuce has lovely soft leaves with gentle ruffles. Most prized in Europe where a lot of our varieties were bred.

    Brassica rapa ​One of the Japanese greens Mibuna has a light mustard flavour and is excellent in a salad or side dish. Can be side picked or picked whole. Cold resistant so plant early Autumn to early Summer.
  • Nasturtium officinale An aquatic plant with a lovely crisp delicate unique slightly spicy flavour growing well in ponds and water generally. High nutritional content. Plant in Spring to late Autumn direct in pots set in water trays.
  • Latuca sativa Small cos with soft heart. Mostly eaten whole or lightly steamed. Very versatile.
  • Beta vulgaris Spirals of crimson and white with all the flavour of sweet beetroot this unusual beet grows true and is an old Italian heirloom that is loved by children who will be encouraged to eat this strange beauty.
  • Brassica oleracea Quick growing soft leaves and small heads to side pick and allow more to grow.
  • Daucus carota Short thick with good strong colour, golden orange, and flavour, crisp and sweet. Suitable with gardeners with shallow soil. Chantenay is easy to grow.
  • Apium graveolens Also called turnip-rooted celery. Grown for its large bulbous root which has a delicious creamy celery flavour. Often found growing wild in parts of Europe and recognizable by its celery stalks. It is an excellent addition to soups, salads or German style dishes.

    Lactuca sativa var. asparagine Also known as asparagus lettuce or celery lettuce amongst other things as this one is often grown for its thick stem which has a unique sweet flavour and is used after side picking the tender leaves. Note the leaves can be steamed and better grown in semi shade when hot to guarantee softer leaves for salads.
  • Raphanus sativus Round 5cm radish with remarkable black skin contrasting with white flesh yet remaining crisp, sweet and a little more pungent in flavour. Eat raw or cooked like all radishes.
  • Raphanus sativus Literally meaning ‘big root’ is a mild-flavoured winter radish with origins in Asia. The long white flesh is crisp and is used extensively as a garnish, salad or steamed lightly remaining crisp. Growing habits are the same as most radish.
  • Brassica juncea ​Lime green serrated leaf with hint of mustard perfect for baby leaf and salad mixes. Cold resistant and can be grown all year except mid Summer. Plant direct or trays.
  • Brassica juncea ​Remarkable deep ruby fern like leaves with luminescent lime green stems. Looks and tastes amazing and makes a unique salad green with just a hint of mustard. Cold tolerant so plant Autumn to early Summer.

    Brassica rapa Lovely rosette of dark green small leaves Tatsoi is also known as ‘Chinese flat cabbage’ which hints to its flavour but still unique to itself. Delicious and a delight to pick adding to salads. Very cold tolerant plant early Autumn to early Summer in trays or direct.
  • Solanum lycopersicon L. Bright orange medium size fruit on a tall indeterminate plant. Very sweet low acid with a decent crop early in the season. Well worth a go.
  • Helianthus annuus Multi heads on reasonably tall plant. Seeds used for oil or eating. Lovely.

    ​Anthriscus cerefolium Also known as French parsley a delicate fern like annual with mild slightly anise/parsley flavour made well known by the French. Part of the ‘Fine Herbs’ along with Tarragon, Chives and Parsley. Plant Autumn to early Spring in cooler months.
  • Allium schoenoprasum ​Perennial originating from Europe Asia & North America. 40cm tall hollow fine tubular stems from central bulb chives are generally dormant in winter and regrow and can be side picked the rest of the year. Often grown in pots, as borders and around gardens due to their insect repelling properties.

    Levistium officinale Tall perennial cultivated in Medieval times for culinary & medicinal. Dark green leaves that look & tastes like celery only with a unique flavour of its own.
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    Tanacetum vulgare ​Herbaceous perennial flowering plant native to temperate Europe and Asia. Tall 100cm plant with segmented leaves and fernlike appearance. Then a display of golden flower heads. Many good medicinal qualities for external use including skin purifying and joint pain Tansy is not recommended for internal use except by physicians. Great insect repellent and often grown near entrances for this reason.
  • Latuca sativa ​Romaine cos type which has a semi heart and very rare. Side pick sweet tender leaves or pick as whole.
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    Cucurbita maxima French heirloom with unusual ornamental ‘warty’ skin and deep orange flesh. Despite lighter texture has a lovely flavour and used mostly for soups and sauces. Allow lots of drying time to enhance sweetness and deepen texture. Plant in full sun spring.
  • Cucurbita moschata Thanks yet again to the French for developing this remarkable deeply loved fruit with pink brown skin and deep orange sweet flesh. An excellent cooking pumpkin and like all of the ‘moschata’ variety lovely flavour. Plant spring then transplant full sun allowing lots of room.
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    Solanum melongena Beautiful Italian variety with light purple and white fruit, mild flavour, little bitterness and creamy texture. Its large round 13cm shape makes it good for stuffing and baking.
  • Solanum melongena Lots of varieties including Rosa Bianca, Early Long Pod, White, Red, Black Beauty. Great mix with the usual beautiful pink flowers. Dramatic display.​
  • Cucurbita maxima Rich, sweet thick flesh on a 7kg pumpkin with grey green ribbed skin and good orange flesh. Considered a very good flavour.
  • Valerianella locusta Growing wild in parts of Europe this delicate winter green is also known as Mache and Lamb’s Lettuce. Small leaves can be side picked or picked whole and is particularly loved by the French eaten fresh. High in vitamin C, beta-carotene, B6, iron and potassium.
  • Beta vulgaris Green to red upright leaves with red stems. Medium height very tender and grows all year round.
  • Cucurbita pepo Delightful little fruits on compact plants these pale green squashes are best eaten young when they remain very tender, needing very little cooking. Great for small meals when they can be picked carefully as needed.
  • Allium ampeloprasum Big fat sweet leeks with good reliability. Like all leeks gather the mulch up the sides to increase the white of trunk.
  • Solanum melongena We wanted eggplants that can only be bought at Asian grocery shops and we've found it. Really sweet slender long dark fruit. Plant Spring in trays transplant in warm protected area full sun ready for purple flowers in late summer autumn fruit.
  • Vicia faba Gift from an Italian gentleman of these wonderful broad beans. Classic black white flowers on tall plant with huge amounts of pods. Seems to set very well. As usual stake and rope around plants early for wind protection later. Plant direct 15cm apart Autumn-Spring for Summer harvest. Consider a little lime and good compost in soil and mulch well. The secret of broad beans is don't overwater before germination or they'll drown. Once germinated not a problem.
  • Daucus carota ​15cm or longer with red-orange colour, crisp sweet flavour and stores well. Known as a great juicing carrot and suggested tolerant of warm summers.
  • Cucumis sativus Most popular of the cucumbers, the Lebanese produces abundant 15-20cm long green straight fruit that has thin mild skin and doesn't need peeling. Beautiful tender crisp flavour. Grows equally well on the ground or on a trellis.
  • Claytonis perfoliata ​Delicate tasty cold hardy salad green producing large quantities of 3cm heart shaped leaves. Grows best in winter. High in nutrients being of the purslane family. Plant direct or in trays. Allow to self seed through garden.
  • Latuca sativa ​Tight frilly leaves that can be side picked or picked whole. Very hardy and if let will self seed through garden easily. Lovely & tender and great in salads.
  • Beta vulgaris Really a chard, but so tender & with green stems as well these leaves are as mild as any spinach. Lasts 18 months before going to seed and as the name suggests excellent repeat picking over a long period.
  • Solanum lycopersicum L. ​ Large heart shaped fruit with deep fleshy interior. Oxheart is a great old heirloom tomato with few seeds. In parts of Gippsland this variety is a favourite handed down many generations. Described as ‘sweet, rich, complex flavour and very meaty yet still juicy’. Excellent production on a large indeterminate plant needing a lot of staking.
  • Solanum lycopersicum It took us a while to find this lovely fruit coming out of South Australia - and here it is. So sweet with great balance of flavour. And fruiting very early which we need in Victoria’s unpredictable summers. Like all tomatoes plant the seeds in July.
  • Vicia faba Long plants up to 120cm Aquadulce are the most common and most reliable to grow for those who are wanting a good tasty feed of broad beans. Pods are around 15cm with around 5 seeds per pod. Flowers are white with purple touches. Broad beans can be planted Autumn and Winter for a Spring crop although the flowers can be affected by frosts.
  • Daucus carota ​Good reliable carrot with great sweet flavour. Short and stocky.
  • Lactuca sativa Easy to grow hardy variety with small soft heads which are crisp and tender. Lovely flavour and one of the few we sell that are not side picking. Just enough for a salad picked whole.
  • Lactuca sativa A side picking lettuce with oak like serrated edges that remain tender and sweet even in summer. Very heat tolerant compared to many varieties so highly recommended.
  • Brassica oleracea Dramatic serrated green leaves with purple edges this almost ornamental kale is soft and tender and can be eaten raw or cooked. Tolerant of heat and cold try using smaller leaves in salads also. Quite hardy so grow all season but mid summer. Plant direct or trays.
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    Brassica oleracea Also known as 'Two Peters' this is the softest kale with long green serrated leaves that are side picked and steamed or used fresh while leaves are small. Loves the cooler months this tasty Russian variety is great in smoothies. Plant direct or in trays Autumn to late Spring.

    Brassica rapa One of the Japanese green this light salad leaf is tender with just a hint of mustard making it delightful eaten fresh. Cold resistant so plant early Autumn to early Summer in trays or direct.
