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    Cucurbita pepo Delightful little fruits on compact plants these bright white squashes are best eaten young when they remain very tender, needing very little cooking. Great for small meals when they can be picked carefully as needed.
  • Cucurbita pepo Delightful little fruits on compact plants these pale green squashes are best eaten young when they remain very tender, needing very little cooking. Great for small meals when they can be picked carefully as needed.
  • Lagenaria siceraria ​​You’ll note by the unusual seed that this is not of the pumpkin or squash family and should be eaten when young like a zucchini. And it’s delicious by all the taste tests. Creamy with great texture. Growing conditions are much like the ‘squash’ Tromboccini and again watching these vigorous plants grow is a delight. Highly recommended and rare.
  • Cucurbita moschate An unusual ‘pumpkin’ in that it’s delicious while still young, picked and eaten like a squash or zucchini. Allowed to mature the skin hardens then Tromboccini should be eaten like a pumpkin. Not as sweet as some it still has great flavour and texture. When baked we added herbs and spices which it absorbed beautifully. Great watching the vines spread either on ground where squashes will ‘curl’ or on fence lines where squashes will hang straight.

  • Cucurbita pepo Delightful little fruits on compact plants these ‘golden’ squashes are best eaten young when they remain very tender, needing very little cooking. Great for small meals when they can be picked carefully as needed.

    Cucurbita pepo I am often approached by my older customers seeking what they like to call a true squash. And this is the closest I can give them. Lovely flavour especially when roasted. To get the ‘spaghetti’ affect it needs baking. We cut in half, scoop out seeds, fill with eggs, cream, cheese and seasoning and bake first 20mins covered, last 10mins uncovered to crisp the top. Seriously yum.
