• Out of stock
    Phaseolus vulgaris Deep purple pods are oval shape and grow to 15cm on dwarf plants. The purple pods against the luscious green growth make for a beautiful as well as prolific bean plant. Can be eaten raw and when cooked will turn green.
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    Capsicum annuum ​ Long tapering fruit 20cm long goes from a pale translucent green to orange to red while still suspended from the vine. Gets sweeter the longer left. No hint of heat and lovely flavour.
  • Daucus carota Coreless tender flesh. Slender and growing only to small to medium so ideal for eating raw or serving on platters.
  • Allium fistulosum The stem and greens can grow to 60cm with a red stalk that is 30cm tall. This is a mild ‘spring onion’ type. Plant late summer/autumn for late winter /spring crop. Will become a deeper red with cold.
  • Brassica oleracea ​Tight curled pale green leaves very tender and easy to grow throughout the year. When picked young can be used raw in salads or steamed lightly. Side pick when mature enough.
  • Pisum sativum Large heritage Japanese climbing snow pea with flat pods to 13cm yet still tender and sweet. Remarkable is the purple/pink flowers which make this pea quite ornamental and a show piece in the garden.
  • Solanum ​lycopersicum L. ​Heirloom, and as the name implies a plum tomato of Amish origins who used it for canning & preserving. Large, block shaped Roma type 4cm wide x 5-10cm long and described as rich, sweet flavour cooked or in salads. Indeterminate plant needing staking.
  • Solanum lycopersicum L. Medium size red sweet fruit growing on long trusses from large indeterminate plant. Origins from old greenhouse variety in England so known for growing outside or in hot houses. Has good flavour with strong disease resistance & heavy cropping.
  • Cucumis sativus Compact plant with reliable 10cm Lebanese style fruit very tender and sweet. Needs No staking just mulch well with straw so cucumber doesn’t touch the ground making it vulnerable to rot.
  • Solanum melongena Tall to 1 metre plant with large leaves produces beautiful pink flowers then large jet black fruit. Needs a long season so plant in hothouse or heat mat in very early spring and plant out when soil is warm. Very tender and worth the 90 days till fruit is ready to pick.
  • Cucurbita moschata Pear shaped pumpkin with pale orange skin, deep orange flesh and small seed cavity. Up to 3kg it’s an ideal size for family's and cooks up any way perfectly. Really good flavour and known through out the world now by many names. Only a reasonable storer compared to others, meaning it will get through winter but no more.
  • Lycopersicum esculentum This beautiful cherry size tomato was voted top in taste tests in the Melbourne International Flower and Garden Show in 2015. It has good disease resistance, producing trusses of classic red tomatoes with a sweet and juicy flavour. We love this one! Mulch and stake well. 60 seeds.  
  • Pisum sativum Climber up to 1.5 metres with beautiful purple/pink flowers which turn into stunning purple pods. Eat when young to maximise the sweetness.
  • Beta vulgaris Deep burgundy beets with sweet good flavour. Often produced for the canning industry as the shape is perfect for slicing.
  • Brassica oleracea This broccoli has a complex and beautiful fractal pattern sequence with bright lime green colour and completely unique shape. The flavour is fantastic with depth and superior texture. Very ornamental, lovely to watch it grow.
  • Capsicum annum This is as diverse a range of chilli's as we can get and gives you a chance to try many and decide what you like. There's Cayenne, Tree Chilli, Thai Hot, Ancho to name a few. Some of these are quite rare and we know you'll enjoy and have fun with these.
