• Capsicum annuum Mild to medium-hot chilli from New Mexico 14cm in length, 5cm wide tapering to a point and is green turning red. Anaheim is eaten fresh or dried for later use and is also considered excellent for stuffing. One of the milder chilli's and with great flavour.
  • Capsicum annuum Tall plant to 1.5mt producing long slender tapered fruit to 15cm and more. Mild to hot though not so much it will knock your socks off. Lots of flavour and used mostly as 'cayenne powder'. So much nicer used fresh and highly recommended.
  • Cucumis sativus ​This sweet apple style doesn't go bitter and is a lovely bright green. It is an Australian variety from the Northern River country.
  • Lactuca sativa Soft long upright leaves making this lettuce a side picking or let heart and pick whole. Tender sweet flavour and great for Caesar Salads.
  • Brassica oleracea Dark grey green long ‘dinosaur’ like leaves on tall plant that can be side picked for up to 18months before plant goes to seed. Considered a super food. Great value in anyone’s garden due to abundance of food and nutrition value of plant. Plant Autumn to Spring direct or trays.
  • Cucurbita maxima Perfect for those with little space being a compact plant producing these lovely little ‘one meal’ delights. Recommended halving, stuffing and baking with your favourite filling. Strong orange skin with orange flesh. Good keepers.
  • Raphanus sativus Bright purple skin with white flesh. 3-5cm globes with sweet crisp flesh and doesn’t get pithy.
  • Spinacia oleracea ​ Considering it's heat tolerance this spinach is delicate and tender with triangular indented leaves on fine stems. Origins in the Middle East. Often used in hydroponics but great in the garden too.
  • Phaseolus coccineus Originally from the mountains of Central America, Scarlet Runners are often grown as an ornamental as the flowers with contrasting green leaves are dramatic & beautiful. Planted in spring the climber can produce flowers all summer till autumn when the beans begin to set in the cooler weather. Beans when picked young are long flat tender and very tasty. Or let beans dry on plant and are considered tasty.

  • Beta vulgaris This variety dates back to the 1880's or more. Beautiful gold to orange glow and lovely sweet flavour - in fact one of our favourites! It doesn't bleed like most beets so even more reason to like it.
  • Apium graveolens var. dulce Tender long green classic celery that can be blanched or side picked as needed. Good flavour with no bitterness
  • Capsicum annuum Compact plant even suitable for a largish pot with beautiful upright green to red fruit reaching upward on top of plant, so quite unusual and ornamental. And of course delicious. Found right through Asia and introduced by the Spanish conquistadors. Considered very hot yet used in most of the Thai dishes we eat. Recommended.
  • Allium ampeloprasum var. porrum An old heirloom known in American seed catalogues since 1870. Also known as Giant Musselburgh. White long thick stems with creamy heart. Will blanch by hilling up as extends. Plant Autumn-Spring direct or trays & plant out 10cm apart in well composted soil full sun. Mulch well. Harvest as spring onions or strong leeks.
  • Pisum sativum Climbing plant up to 2 metres producing white flowers then classic 11cm snow peas. Perfect eaten whole for stir fries or fresh. High yielding, early and loving cool weather, this is a hardy pea.
  • Raphanus sativus Cylindrical root red and white skin with white flesh these are a favourite with my radish connoisseurs. They look great and the flavour is sweet without too much spice. Why the name ? yes the French loves their radishes but very few would eat them for breakfast!
  • Basella rubra ​Malabar spinach is an edible perennial vine found in Asian and Africa and used as a leaf vegetable. Grow here in the heat of spring in trays or hot spot outside and watch this beautiful lush plant climb. Pick leaves and tips to eat raw in salads or use as spinach.
