• Capsicum pubescens Our Rocoto Chilli plant never stops producing and despite looking exhausted by the end of winter starts greening up and amassing beautiful purple flowers soon as spring starts. Remarkable chilli of good heat and great flavour. Plant spring-summer in trays and transplant in protected area full sun.
  • Solanum melongena We wanted eggplants that can only be bought at Asian grocery shops and we've found it. Really sweet slender long dark fruit. Plant Spring in trays transplant in warm protected area full sun ready for purple flowers in late summer autumn fruit.
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    Cucurbita maxima French heirloom with unusual ornamental ‘warty’ skin and deep orange flesh. Despite lighter texture has a lovely flavour and used mostly for soups and sauces. Allow lots of drying time to enhance sweetness and deepen texture. Plant in full sun spring.
  • Cucurbita moschata Thanks yet again to the French for developing this remarkable deeply loved fruit with pink brown skin and deep orange sweet flesh. An excellent cooking pumpkin and like all of the ‘moschata’ variety lovely flavour. Plant spring then transplant full sun allowing lots of room.
  • Solanum lycopersicum It took us a while to find this lovely fruit coming out of South Australia - and here it is. So sweet with great balance of flavour. And fruiting very early which we need in Victoria’s unpredictable summers. Like all tomatoes plant the seeds in July.

    Cucurbita pepo I am often approached by my older customers seeking what they like to call a true squash. And this is the closest I can give them. Lovely flavour especially when roasted. To get the ‘spaghetti’ affect it needs baking. We cut in half, scoop out seeds, fill with eggs, cream, cheese and seasoning and bake first 20mins covered, last 10mins uncovered to crisp the top. Seriously yum.
