• Lactuca sativa Easy to grow hardy variety with small soft heads which are crisp and tender. Lovely flavour and one of the few we sell that are not side picking. Just enough for a salad picked whole.
  • Lactuca sativa Soft long upright leaves making this lettuce a side picking or let heart and pick whole. Tender sweet flavour and great for Caesar Salads.
  • Latuca sativa Definitely a side picking lettuce with oak like serrated edges on deep green leaves. All the oakleaf lettuce do well in summer and are heat tolerant.
  • Lactuca sativa A side picking lettuce with oak like serrated edges that remain tender and sweet even in summer. Very heat tolerant compared to many varieties so highly recommended.
  • Lactuca sativa The most delicate of lettuces which can be side picking or left to form a soft heart. Good sweet lettuce or very popular in all seasons. Does better in semi shade in summer.
  • Lactuca sativa Seeing this is believing it. Lovely soft green cos with speckles of red yet still very tender. Doesn’t heart so much and great for side picking especially mixed with others for great interest.

    Lactuca sativa var. asparagine Also known as asparagus lettuce or celery lettuce amongst other things as this one is often grown for its thick stem which has a unique sweet flavour and is used after side picking the tender leaves. Note the leaves can be steamed and better grown in semi shade when hot to guarantee softer leaves for salads.
  • Latuca sativa Can be used full size or side picked this delicate sweet lettuce has lovely soft leaves with gentle ruffles. Most prized in Europe where a lot of our varieties were bred.
  • Lactuca sativa ​Lots of varieties including Deepest Red, Cos, Oakleaf, Green Frill, Freckles to name a few. It’s a great and delightful surprise and give the grower lots of salad mix and a chance to find a favourite.
  • Allium fistulosum The stem and greens can grow to 60cm with a red stalk that is 30cm tall. This is a mild ‘spring onion’ type. Plant late summer/autumn for late winter /spring crop. Will become a deeper red with cold.
  • Allium fistulosum A vigorous and hardy winter variety, this bunching onion has a 35cm long white stalk with 30cm long green leaves and all parts are edible. Excellent mild flavour. Frost tolerant.
  • Allium fistulosum Originating in France and Italy this sweet almost shallot style onion is planted in late winter/early spring for harvesting mid/late summer. For best results maintain water well and grow like most onions.
  • Allium cepa A good looking bright red globe shaped onion which stores better than most reds. Sow Winter/early Spring in drills 1cm deep. Harvest when tops start to lay down.
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    Pastinaca sativa ​ Long slender parsnip suitable for baking. Use whole, roast or mash. An easy grower.

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    Pastinaca sativa ​ Tender parsnip with creamy flavour. Makes great roasters. Good all rounder.
  • Brassica oleracea ​Tight curled pale green leaves very tender and easy to grow throughout the year. When picked young can be used raw in salads or steamed lightly. Side pick when mature enough.
