• Allium fistulosum The stem and greens can grow to 60cm with a red stalk that is 30cm tall. This is a mild ‘spring onion’ type. Plant late summer/autumn for late winter /spring crop. Will become a deeper red with cold.
  • Brassica juncea ​Remarkable deep ruby fern like leaves with luminescent lime green stems. Looks and tastes amazing and makes a unique salad green with just a hint of mustard. Cold tolerant so plant Autumn to early Summer.
  • Brassica juncea ​Lime green serrated leaf with hint of mustard perfect for baby leaf and salad mixes. Cold resistant and can be grown all year except mid Summer. Plant direct or trays.
  • Brassica juncea Dramatic 2 metre plant with large purple green leaves producing yellow bee attracting flowers. A very hot mustard unless leaves are eaten young or steamed. Looks great.

    Brassica rapa One of the Japanese green this light salad leaf is tender with just a hint of mustard making it delightful eaten fresh. Cold resistant so plant early Autumn to early Summer in trays or direct.
  • Claytonis perfoliata ​Delicate tasty cold hardy salad green producing large quantities of 3cm heart shaped leaves. Grows best in winter. High in nutrients being of the purslane family. Plant direct or in trays. Allow to self seed through garden.

    Brassica rapa ​One of the Japanese greens Mibuna has a light mustard flavour and is excellent in a salad or side dish. Can be side picked or picked whole. Cold resistant so plant early Autumn to early Summer.
  • Lactuca sativa ​Soft golden side picking lettuce. Gift from Wa and amazing best kept secret.... until now.
  • Lactuca sativa A side picking lettuce with oak like serrated edges that remain tender and sweet even in summer. Very heat tolerant compared to many varieties so highly recommended.
  • Lactuca sativa Easy to grow hardy variety with small soft heads which are crisp and tender. Lovely flavour and one of the few we sell that are not side picking. Just enough for a salad picked whole.
  • Lactuca sativa Soft long upright leaves making this lettuce a side picking or let heart and pick whole. Tender sweet flavour and great for Caesar Salads.
  • Lactuca sativa ​Lots of varieties including Deepest Red, Cos, Oakleaf, Green Frill, Freckles to name a few. It’s a great and delightful surprise and give the grower lots of salad mix and a chance to find a favourite.
  • Latuca sativa Small cos with soft heart. Mostly eaten whole or lightly steamed. Very versatile.
  • Latuca sativa Definitely a side picking lettuce with oak like serrated edges on deep green leaves. All the oakleaf lettuce do well in summer and are heat tolerant.
  • Latuca sativa ​Tight frilly leaves that can be side picked or picked whole. Very hardy and if let will self seed through garden easily. Lovely & tender and great in salads.
