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    Brassica oleracea Also known as 'Two Peters' this is the softest kale with long green serrated leaves that are side picked and steamed or used fresh while leaves are small. Loves the cooler months this tasty Russian variety is great in smoothies. Plant direct or in trays Autumn to late Spring.

    Brassica rapa One of the Japanese green this light salad leaf is tender with just a hint of mustard making it delightful eaten fresh. Cold resistant so plant early Autumn to early Summer in trays or direct.
  • Solanum ​lycopersicum L. Sweet round medium size red fruit with a dark hue & sweet dark brown red flesh. Medium size plant indeterminate that needs staking. Fruit has been described as 'delicious blend of sugar and acid'.
  • Solanum lycoperiscum L. Juicy low acid sweet golden medium size tomato originally from an old British seed company. Indeterminate plant needing staking this tomato will be one of the first to produce.
  • Capsicum pubescens Despite mild frosts, the Rocoto doesn’t stop giving and growing in the later months. It originated high in the Andes. A remarkable chilli plant with black seeds and nice heat yet great flavour. Plant in spring-summer in trays and transplant in protected area full sun.
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    Brassica oleracea ​ A rare combination of cauliflower colours that will all taste delicious yet with subtle differences.
  • Cucumis sativus Heritage variety originates from Australia in the early 1900's. Great cropper that can climb or crawl along the mulched bed. Large tender tennis ball size fruit that doesn't go bitter. Highly recommended.
  • Lactuca sativa The most delicate of lettuces which can be side picking or left to form a soft heart. Good sweet lettuce or very popular in all seasons. Does better in semi shade in summer.
  • Cucurbita maxima A rare heirloom this delicious and precious pumpkin has deep orange flesh with pale orange skin which hardens with time. My first awareness that it existed was a gift from ‘Neil’ many years ago, a few seeds in his hand. Weighs up to 7 kg and keeps well.

  • Cucurbita maxima A good reliable pumpkin light grey segmented skin with strong sweet orange flesh it’s a good keeper which is great because with success you’ll get plenty of them.
  • Beta vulgaris Large green leaves up to 70cm on white stalks very thick & tasty. Cold hardy yet can stand up to summer as well.
  • Solanum lycopersicum L. Perfectly round dark red/black fruits with rich, sweet flavour growing on indeterminate plant that needs staking. Research show its origins start in Florida and has been very popular here for the last 5 years. If you have problems with birds these are great because they cant see them! When green fruit starts getting a red hue you know they're ready.
  • Solanum lycopersicum L. Dark lime green stripes turning yellow as it matures. Flesh is bright green and very rich tasting with good sweet to sharp ratio. Good yields on indeterminate plant.
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    Solanum lycopersicum L. ​ ​Round yellow peach coloured round fruit to 5cm with a slight soft fuzzy skin which deters insects. Excellent sweet variety with low acid and a long ripening season. One of our favourites and a must try.
  • Cucurbita pepo ​

    A beautiful tasting Zucchini. Ideal for lighter dishes and putting into flans, slices and quiches. One of the most versatile Zucchinis we use.

  • Brassica oleracea Quick growing lovely sprouts and leaves. Picking encourages more growth and extends season.
