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    Solanum lycopersicum L. Large very beefy fruit when ripe. Has a very good flavour and excellent slicing fruit. Also good for sauces like most Roma's but we think still has a better flavour. Large indeterminate plant needing staking. A gift many years ago from a kind farmer in central Victoria.
  • Solanum lycopersicum L. Dark lime green stripes turning yellow as it matures. Flesh is bright green and very rich tasting with good sweet to sharp ratio. Good yields on indeterminate plant.
  • Solanum lycopersicum L. An old Australian heirloom and favourite variety that produces lots of large, round red fruit and thrives in Victoria's summers though needs protection from the extreme days as all tomatoes do. Tall vigorous plant that will need staking to support abundant cropping.
  • Solanum lycopersicon L. Bright orange medium size fruit on a tall indeterminate plant. Very sweet low acid with a decent crop early in the season. Well worth a go.
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    Solanum lycopersicon L. KY1 ‘Scoresby Dwarf’. A reliable determinate cultivar produced years ago for the canning industry but don’t let that put you off. It’s not a hybrid and has plenty of medium red round sweet flavoursome fruit on sturdy 1 metre determinate plant. You can look forward to lots of them!
  • Solanum lycopersicum L. Medium size red sweet fruit growing on long trusses from large indeterminate plant. Origins from old greenhouse variety in England so known for growing outside or in hot houses. Has good flavour with strong disease resistance & heavy cropping.
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    Solanum lycopersicon L. Oaxacan Jewel is an old heirloom from Oaxacan Mexico. Large fruit gold yellow with red & orange streaks. Sweet & mild making it great for eating or relishes etc.
  • Solanum lycopersicum L. This plant will grow anywhere there's sunshine and water including large pots and keeps giving sweet currant size fruit all Summer. Eat whole in salads or straight off the bush. Research suggests it was found "growing from the crack in a sidewalk in Indianapolis in the mid 100's". Sprawling determinate plant so stake well and leave lots of room.
  • Solanum ​lycopersicum L. ​Large indeterminate plant that produces bunches of 20-40 red small fruit 30-35mm. Flavour is mild and sweet and these a great to pick in bunches and roast together with herbs or add whole to salads. Compliments 'Yellow Currant' for a great salad mix.
  • Solanum lycopersicum L. ​ This is a particularly flavoursome Roma and can be used raw or for preserving. Deep sweet flavour and good thick texture. Determinate plant that will still need staking.
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    Solanum lycopersicum L. ​ ​Round yellow peach coloured round fruit to 5cm with a slight soft fuzzy skin which deters insects. Excellent sweet variety with low acid and a long ripening season. One of our favourites and a must try.
  • Solanum lycoperiscum L. Juicy low acid sweet golden medium size tomato originally from an old British seed company. Indeterminate plant needing staking this tomato will be one of the first to produce.
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    Cucurbita pepo ​Very romantic sounding, this pretty zucchini is not only very tasty but is aesthetic to look at.
  • Cucurbita pepo ​A favourite Italian type with light green stripes and light ribbing. Also large vigorous flowers on this strong plant making it ideal for flower stuffing.
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    Cucurbita pepo Copious yields of buttery-yellow zucchini with narrow curved neck and warty textured skin. Lovely tender flavour even if not so pretty!

  • Cucurbita pepo ​ Classic dark green long cylindrical fruit this has been the most popular of the Zucchini’s. Introduced in the markets from the 1920’s and listed in seed catalogues from 1930 Black Beauty has been around over 80 years.
  • Cucurbita pepo Bright yellow cylindrical fruit makes this zucchini harder to camouflage behind the greenery. Looks beautiful as it develops and our experience it that it seems a little more tender than the darker zucchinis.
  • Lycopersicum esculentum This beautiful cherry size tomato was voted top in taste tests in the Melbourne International Flower and Garden Show in 2015. It has good disease resistance, producing trusses of classic red tomatoes with a sweet and juicy flavour. We love this one! Mulch and stake well. 60 seeds.  
  • Pisum sativum Climber up to 1.5 metres with beautiful purple/pink flowers which turn into stunning purple pods. Eat when young to maximise the sweetness.
  • Cucurbita pepo ​

    A beautiful tasting Zucchini. Ideal for lighter dishes and putting into flans, slices and quiches. One of the most versatile Zucchinis we use.

  • Pisum sativum This golden podded pea is lovely. It can be used as a sugar snap or podded pea. It is truly tender with pink flowers and buttercup yellow peas.
  • Allium ampeloprasum Big fat sweet leeks with good reliability. Like all leeks gather the mulch up the sides to increase the white of trunk.
  • Latuca sativa ​Romaine cos type which has a semi heart and very rare. Side pick sweet tender leaves or pick as whole.
  • Latuca sativa Small cos with soft heart. Mostly eaten whole or lightly steamed. Very versatile.
  • Lactuca sativa ​Soft golden side picking lettuce. Gift from Wa and amazing best kept secret.... until now.
  • Capsicum pubescens Despite mild frosts, the Rocoto doesn’t stop giving and growing in the later months. It originated high in the Andes. A remarkable chilli plant with black seeds and nice heat yet great flavour. Plant in spring-summer in trays and transplant in protected area full sun.
  • Vicia faba ​ Under 1 metre & maturing in 70 days this Broadbean will give sweet green pods just under 14cm a little earlier than most. It is great for early spring and late summer-autumn planting with the added benefit of adding nitrogen to the soil. Although shorter, still protect from high winds.
  • Daucus carota One of few truly purple carrots right to core without being a hybrid. Open pollinated so please give seed saving a try. Long and slender sweet and high in antioxidants just that bit more than the usual orange. Like all carrots plant Spring to Summer in warm soils.
  • Daucus carota Slender very sweet carrot purple then orange in the core. Grows to 15cms with a lovely texture and flavour. Plant spring to summer in warm soils.
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    Apium graveolens var. secalinum Side picking celery more like Italian Parsley in look but definitely celery in flavour. Great if you can’t be bothered with all the fuss of blanching celery plants. Plant all year round in trays and transplant when no frosts.
