• Allium ampeloprasum Big fat sweet leeks with good reliability. Like all leeks gather the mulch up the sides to increase the white of trunk.
  • Solanum melongena We wanted eggplants that can only be bought at Asian grocery shops and we've found it. Really sweet slender long dark fruit. Plant Spring in trays transplant in warm protected area full sun ready for purple flowers in late summer autumn fruit.
  • Vicia faba Gift from an Italian gentleman of these wonderful broad beans. Classic black white flowers on tall plant with huge amounts of pods. Seems to set very well. As usual stake and rope around plants early for wind protection later. Plant direct 15cm apart Autumn-Spring for Summer harvest. Consider a little lime and good compost in soil and mulch well. The secret of broad beans is don't overwater before germination or they'll drown. Once germinated not a problem.
  • Daucus carota ​15cm or longer with red-orange colour, crisp sweet flavour and stores well. Known as a great juicing carrot and suggested tolerant of warm summers.
  • Cucumis sativus Most popular of the cucumbers, the Lebanese produces abundant 15-20cm long green straight fruit that has thin mild skin and doesn't need peeling. Beautiful tender crisp flavour. Grows equally well on the ground or on a trellis.
  • Claytonis perfoliata ​Delicate tasty cold hardy salad green producing large quantities of 3cm heart shaped leaves. Grows best in winter. High in nutrients being of the purslane family. Plant direct or in trays. Allow to self seed through garden.
  • Latuca sativa ​Tight frilly leaves that can be side picked or picked whole. Very hardy and if let will self seed through garden easily. Lovely & tender and great in salads.
  • Beta vulgaris Really a chard, but so tender & with green stems as well these leaves are as mild as any spinach. Lasts 18 months before going to seed and as the name suggests excellent repeat picking over a long period.
  • Solanum lycopersicum L. ​ Large heart shaped fruit with deep fleshy interior. Oxheart is a great old heirloom tomato with few seeds. In parts of Gippsland this variety is a favourite handed down many generations. Described as ‘sweet, rich, complex flavour and very meaty yet still juicy’. Excellent production on a large indeterminate plant needing a lot of staking.
  • Solanum lycopersicum It took us a while to find this lovely fruit coming out of South Australia - and here it is. So sweet with great balance of flavour. And fruiting very early which we need in Victoria’s unpredictable summers. Like all tomatoes plant the seeds in July.
  • Vicia faba Long plants up to 120cm Aquadulce are the most common and most reliable to grow for those who are wanting a good tasty feed of broad beans. Pods are around 15cm with around 5 seeds per pod. Flowers are white with purple touches. Broad beans can be planted Autumn and Winter for a Spring crop although the flowers can be affected by frosts.
  • Daucus carota ​Good reliable carrot with great sweet flavour. Short and stocky.
  • Lactuca sativa Easy to grow hardy variety with small soft heads which are crisp and tender. Lovely flavour and one of the few we sell that are not side picking. Just enough for a salad picked whole.
  • Lactuca sativa A side picking lettuce with oak like serrated edges that remain tender and sweet even in summer. Very heat tolerant compared to many varieties so highly recommended.
  • Brassica oleracea Dramatic serrated green leaves with purple edges this almost ornamental kale is soft and tender and can be eaten raw or cooked. Tolerant of heat and cold try using smaller leaves in salads also. Quite hardy so grow all season but mid summer. Plant direct or trays.
