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    Pisum sativum ​ This green devil dark green snowpea offers good pod shape at 11cm long and good disease resistance.
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    Pastinaca sativa ​ Tender parsnip with creamy flavour. Makes great roasters. Good all rounder.
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    Solanum lycopersicon L. Oaxacan Jewel is an old heirloom from Oaxacan Mexico. Large fruit gold yellow with red & orange streaks. Sweet & mild making it great for eating or relishes etc.
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    Solanum lycopersicon L. KY1 ‘Scoresby Dwarf’. A reliable determinate cultivar produced years ago for the canning industry but don’t let that put you off. It’s not a hybrid and has plenty of medium red round sweet flavoursome fruit on sturdy 1 metre determinate plant. You can look forward to lots of them!
  • Brassica juncea Dramatic 2 metre plant with large purple green leaves producing yellow bee attracting flowers. A very hot mustard unless leaves are eaten young or steamed. Looks great.
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    Capsicum annuum An 'Ancho' or wide chilli on a 70cm bush enjoying full sun. The fruit is up to 15cm long x7cm wide matures from green, red and then almost black. Used in Mexican mole (spelt molay) sauces after roasting or dried and powdered. Lovely smoky smell and flavour.

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    Daucus carota Lovely violet red skin with yellow orange interior. Very sweet with slight spicy edge. Origins from America’s organic movement. Very popular eaten raw or slightly steamed. Over cooking looses flavour, colour and goodness of most carrots.
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    Capsicum annuum Sweet chocolate brown heirloom capsicum. Red flesh inside adds to the contrast. Matures green to brown.
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    Cucurbita pepo Copious yields of buttery-yellow zucchini with narrow curved neck and warty textured skin. Lovely tender flavour even if not so pretty!

  • Cucurbita pepo ​A favourite Italian type with light green stripes and light ribbing. Also large vigorous flowers on this strong plant making it ideal for flower stuffing.
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    Cucurbita pepo ​Very romantic sounding, this pretty zucchini is not only very tasty but is aesthetic to look at.
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    Cucurbita pepo ​Remarkably sweet small fruit 400gms growing from moderately creeping vine needing good sun and soil. Highly recommended as it's taste is a surprise it's sweetness more so, and just the right size for a meal.
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    Cucurbita maxima An old heirloom that has brought back a lot of memories from some of our customers, of mum using the axe to get the first cut. When first picked the skin is quite thin and will thicken as its stores, which it does well.
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    Allium ampeloprasum ​ Bulgarian leek slender and flavoursome that grows quickly & can be used small as onion or 45cm as leek.

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    Pastinaca sativa ​ Long slender parsnip suitable for baking. Use whole, roast or mash. An easy grower.

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    Lactuca sativa ​Still lovely and soft this side picking lettuce goes dark red yet remains sweet.
